
Cube AI – Remixed

Cube AI is an experimental AI project. The objective was to create a neural network that can solve a Rubiks Cube. This project started life as a command line application, that modelled the Rubiks cube and attempted to solve the puzzle using a single layer neural network. I’ve revisited this project to change it to…
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Showmax Set to Launch to 44 Countries

Calvin Matthews works with Sky Identity Global Streaming Platform to get the Showmax streaming proposition ready for launch. Showmax is a new digital streaming service based on the successful Now TV proposition and will provide streamed content to 44 countries across Europe and Africa. Calvin helped to ensure that users could create and maintain profiles…
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This is an experimental AI project. The initial objective is to create a neural network that can solve a maze. To achieve this goal the I had to overcome the following challenges: Generating a random maze Implementing a neural network Modelling the runner view in the neural network Generating a 3D view M-ai-ze performs well.…
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Sky Identity Stack Migration

Calvin Matthews works with Sky to migrate identity services from a legacy data centre to an AWS Kubernetes cluster. The migration required creation of multiple stacks for different levels of test and production in a complex CICD environment. Calvin configured the stacks using a combination of ConfigMaps, Jenkins, Gradle and shell scripting. The new environment…
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Cube AI

Cube AI is an experimental AI project. The objective was to create a neural network that can solve a Rubiks Cube. To achieve this goal the I had to overcome the following challenges: Modelling a cube Implementing a neural network Training the neural network to learn how to solve a muddled cube Testing the neural…
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Aircraft Diagnostics Stack Migration

Calvin Matthews provides technical leadership in the developed aircraft diagnostic data processing systems in a migration to an AWS stack at GE. The new micro services are implemented in Java 11 and Javascript, utilising the AWS SDK, Typescript, Node.js and light weight tools such as Feign, Guice and JDBI. The new services use a rich…
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Family Tree

I have been researching my genealogy for many years and wanted a means of sharing my research with my extended family in a concise family tree. To support this I developed my family tree web site. The site has evolved over the years and had numerous rewrites. The current version is implemented using React.js and…
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Quiz is a simple multi-user fastest finger quiz site. This project is intended for use with small teams as an aid to hosting a simple quiz game via Zoom, Teams or Skype. Quiz comprises of two parts: a simple client that enables contestants to join by name. They are allocated an avatar (a puppy) and…
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Transatlantic Collaboration to deliver Publishing Options

Calvin Matthews leads the design and development of the new Publishing Options service for Elsevier. The new service is implemented using Java 11, Spring Boot, React.js, AWS and is integrated with the Aries Editorial Manager service. Publishing options is a Transatlantic collaboration due for launch in early 2020.

New Journal Finder Goes Live

Calvin Matthews leads the development of a new Journal Finder service for Elsevier. The new service is implemented using Java 11, Spring Boot, React.js, AWS and Elastic Search. Working with globally distributes teams, Calvin has managed and co-ordinated the collaboration with external development partners and internal teams to successfully deliver the new service.