Quiz is a simple multi-user fastest finger quiz site. This project is intended for use with small teams as an aid to hosting a simple quiz game via Zoom, Teams or Skype.
Quiz comprises of two parts:
- a simple client that enables contestants to join by name. They are allocated an avatar (a puppy) and are presented with a big red buzzer to buzz in
- a quiz master client to control the flow of the quiz, manage contestants and handle the scoring
Quiz features:
- Responsive user interface designed to be used on mobile or desktop devices
- Buzz in
- Contestant lock out when the quiz is in progress
- Puppy avatars
- Buzz in sound effects (barking)
- Dynamic contestant scoring
- Picture rounds
- Quiz master masquerading
- Quiz master contestant ejection
Implementation details:
- Vue.js user interface
- Vuetify presentation
- Vuex state management
- Express.js server
- Webpack deployment
- ES6 Javascript
A standalone demonstration version of the quiz (with full quiz master capabilities) is available at vue-demo.cmatts.co.uk